Institutional Research Ethics Committee (IREC) was established to review and consider for approval all ILRI research activities involving human subjects with a view to safeguard their dignity, rights, safety and well-being and the wider community.


IREC bases its justification on the fact that however important the research goals can be, the research should never be permitted to override the health and well-being of the research participants.

IREC ensures that the cardinal principles of research ethics (autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice) are followed in planning, conduct and reporting of ILRI research. For this purpose, it covers the aspects of informed consent; harms, risks and benefits; distribution of these; management of these and provisions for appropriate compensations wherever required. IREC reviews research activity proposals before the start of the study and develop procedures for monitoring the research throughout the study until, and after completion. The committee will also examine compliance with all regulatory and donor requirements, applicable guidelines and laws, including national (local) laws.

ILRI IREC is registered by NACOSTI in Kenya and is accredited to grant ethical approval to research projects involving human subjects. The approvals granted are therefore recognized by the government of Kenya.

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